Abrasive solution in manufacturing is the systematic approach of using abrasive and diamond tool machining processes effectively to cut, grind and polish the intended product material with great accuracy and efficiency to produce the desired precision cutting quality and superior finishes of the product.

In-depth product development research has brought about a new generation of advanced abrasive and diamond tool products into the market and alongside with their innovative applications in production processes, they will bring noticeable improvements in quality, production efficiency and cost effectiveness.

BADAK’s professional consultancy service is the best way to keep customers abreast with the latest abrasive and diamond tool products in the market and their application updates to derive their full benefits applicable to the specific industry concerned.

Professional advice from specialists is acknowledged to play a significant role and is a must have requirement for manufacturers to stay ahead in their business by employing the best approach of using abrasive and diamond tools to achieve better product quality, cost effectiveness and production performances.

BADAK takes pride in being a trusted abrasive solution provider to all its customers for over 30 years in this challenging and competitive industry. This is made possible with BADAK’s dedicated commitment to its customers in taking much care to focus on their specific industry needs to come up with the best-fitting solution.

BADAK is always in the forefront in keeping abreast of new ideas, product development and market trends to improve our abrasive and diamond tools supply and consultancy service to our customers who are assured of enjoying the maximum benefits from our dedicated premium service with a proven 30 years excellent track record.

BADAK has a wide range of high quality abrasive and diamond tool products which is designed for industry-specific applications which include those for steel, stainless steel, ceramic tiles, glass mosaic, granite, marble, cement and reinforced concrete, bricks, stone, wood and cane.

BADAK provides solution customization as part of its service to satisfy different customers requirement with simplicity of use, cost effectiveness and good value for money.

Business Belief & Values


Customers, Our Partners

Keeping customers satisfied by delivering them the value as promised is our objective. But developing a long term partnership with customers to enable to serve them better is our mission.

Forging a partnership with the customers on a longer term basis allows BADAK to manage supplies more effectively with added value in terms of supply consistency, cost effectiveness and timely deliveries through forward planning.

High Value, Fair Pricing Products

BADAK believes high quality product can be produced at fair prices, and to achieve this objective, BADAK emphasize on placing more added value on the product essentials while simplifying the non-essentials to a sustainable level.

We believe value-led products are achievable by streamlining our production process, reducing waste, simplifying business processes and improving communication by dealing more directly with customers.

Continuous Improvement

BADAK believes there is no end to learning and there is always something new to learn from our customers. With this in mind, we always take into consideration our customers’ view point and see things from their perspective when formulating solution.

BADAK advocates its staff to develop a passion for continuous learning so as to keep them confident, relevant and knowledgeable in facing new challenges.

Fair Rewards

BADAK believes in giving fair rewards to its customers, employees and stakeholders of the company. By giving fair rewards where it is due inspires a high sense of belonging, equity and creates a caring environment within BADAK’s organizational culture.

We believe a caring business enterprise cultivates loyalty, harmony, trust and dedication amongst its staff, business associates and customers which are essentially important for long term business success.

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Contact With Us

BADAK Abrasives Sdn Bhd, incorporated in 1989 is a leading one-stop total abrasive and diamond tools solution provider located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

We supply and customize our own range of high quality abrasive products and market them under our own brand name of “BADAK”.

Contact Us

  •   No. 91, Jalan Sibu, Taman Wahyu,
          68100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  •  +(60)3-6257 9067
          +(60)3-6251 2711
          +(60)3-6251 2712
  • info@badak.com.my